Thank you

Obsessible Sourdough Snacks

Thanks to A Friendly Bread for providing cheese sandwiches for Opening Night!

LGBTQ Inclusion Training and Consulting for Schools, Government, Nonprofits, and Businesses 

Thanks to Jabari Lyles Consulting for contributing to shipment of the printed pictures back to the photographers and models

MoCo Pride Center

Serving the LGBTQ Community

Thanks to the MoCo Pride Center for serving as a fiduciary sponsor

Thank you Petra Stephanie Neal (Stevie) for a generous donation. Stevie and the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville made Becoming Ourselves possible by providing printing and the first venue. Thanks to the Bethesda United Church of Christ for keeping the exhibit going by hosting us as our second venue. 

Sandra Davis for mentorship and encouragement. Sandra Davis is the president of the Women's Caucus for Art, an organization that creates community through art, education, and social activism. 

Marian Bowden for telling me I should have a show and introducing me to Sandra 

Jaime Lee Jarvis for helping me figure out how to have the youth select the pictures

Oshee for organizing the initial beautiful models and helping edit the three-page description and the website

Glorie and Martin of The Frederick Center for encouragement, assistance, and fundraising advice 

Reverend Emma Chattin of the Transgender Education Association for encouragement and safety advice





Gratitude to Stevie Neal

for making this show possible, for her friendship, and for demonstrating strength, grace, and humor

Thank you to the United Universalist Congregation of Rockville, Bethesda United Church of Christ, Christ the Servant Lutheran Church, and Pilgrim Church for hosting us!

Peggy Gillespie for doing a similar project and beginning her work 30 years ago. She is the cofounder and director of Family Diversity Projects which in 2015 released Pioneering Voices, a book and traveling exhibit including photographs and interviews with people of all ages who are transgender and some of their partners and children. Through first-person accounts and positive images, the exhibit sought to challenge damaging myths and stereotypes about transgender people and to educate people about this marginalized, and often invisible group of people. Last year the book and project were updated as Authentic Selves

Photographer Jess T. Dugan and social worker Vanessa Fabbre for documenting the lives of older transgender people throughout the country. Dugan and Fabbre created To Survive on This Shore: Photographs and Interviews with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Older Adults with subjects whose lived experiences exist within the complex intersections of gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, sexuality, socioeconomic class, and geographic location. 

The brave transgender people at Stonewall and all the activists since who have fought, bled, and died to make the world better for us